TOPICS/CATEGORIES Each poster must reflect the Keep Christ in Christmas theme with a visual image. There is no limit to the number of posters each contestant may submit. ELIGIBILITY The Knights of Columbus Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest is open to all youth between the ages of 5 and 14. age eligibility is determined by the age of the contestant as of November 1. AGE GROUPS Contest entrants compete in one of three age groups — ages 5 through 7, ages 8 through 10 and 11 through 14. Each local, district, regional or jurisdictional competition may have up to 3 winning entries — a first and second place winner in each age group.
12:30 PM Mass, First Holy Communion and May Crowning of Our Lady. Candidates arrive by 11:45 AM at St. Joseph Hall to line up for procession into the church.
Seder Meal. For Christian families remembering Christ’s Jewish Heritage, it is a tradition to celebrate a Seder Meal on Holy Thursday in memory of the Last Supper. Please join us in our parish celebration of the Seder Meal that will be held on Sunday, April 14 at 1:30 PM in St. Joseph Hall. Parishioners are asked to bring a side dish of vegetable, salad, or dessert. Please stop by the sign-up tables in the narthex to give a count of how many from your family will be attending. For more information, please call the parish office at 883-4213, ext. 202.
Sunday, December 16 is the Deadline to turn in posters for the Knights Of Columbus Council 11107 “Keep Christ in Christmas” Poster Contest. For more information, contact Christopher Hernandez, Family Program Director, (361) 903-0280.
Parent/Student Orientation on Sunday, September 16, 10:45 AM-12 Noon, St. Joseph Hall. At 12:30 PM, Mass Commissioning of Our Catechists. Parents, please make plans to attend with your children to pray for a blessed school year and to also thank our catechists and many volunteers.
Religious Education Registration PreK - 12. August 19 – Room 4, August 26 and September 2. St. Joseph Hall. After All Masses. Please bring a copy of your child‘s Baptism certificate if he/she is preparing to receive the Sacraments of Holy Communion or Confirmation. Early registration continues through the parish office. Classes begin on Sunday, September 9th at 10:45 AM. Parent/Student orientation is on Sunday, September at AM at St. Joseph Hall.
Volunteers Needed. Sometimes we take our blessings for granted and forget how deeply we are all connected. Have you been thinking of becoming more involved in our parish community and providing some kind of service work? Then why not volunteer in the Religious Education program! All that is needed is patience and a desire to share God’s Word with children. Our classes meet on Sundays from 10:45 AM to 12 Noon. Volunteers are needed as catechist assistants, office helpers, substitutes, hall monitors, and helpers for special events. If you are interested in joining our program, please call Orfie Hernandez at (361) 883-4213, ext. 202 or email at
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd ( 3 – 5 year olds). Register early. Space is limited. Children will learn scripture, liturgy and Catholic culture. Registration forms are available at the entrances of the church. For more information, please call the Religious Education office at (361) 883-4213, ext. 202 or email at
Catholic Charities- Parents as Teachers. Parents are their child’s first and most influential teachers and we want to support you on that journey. Currently enrolling families who live in Nueces County, have 1 or more children ages pre-natal to 5 years old and able to commit to monthly or bi-monthly visits with their personal home visitor. We welcome parents, grandparents, guardians and caregivers and provide resources for the whole family. Pre-enroll today! For more information, visit or call at (361) 884-0651.
Knights of Columbus #11107 “Keep Christ in Christmas” Poster Contest with the Cathedral Religious Education Students. Deadline to turn posters in, is 5PM on Monday, January 8, 2018 at the Religous Education Office. For more information, contact Rudy Ortiz, Jr at (361) 549-9528 or
Religious Education Registration for Grades PreK – 12 and Confirmation on Sunday, August 21 & September 3, in St. Joseph Hall after all Masses. Early registration throughout the month of August through the Religious Education Office. Forms are available on this website. Please bring a copy of your child’s Baptism certificate when you register your child. For more information, please call Orfie Hernandez at 883-4213, ext. 202.