Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Mass & Prayer Service. The Marian image is brought on a pilgrimage through our diocese and the Cathedral Knights will host Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Icon for the week of September 9th to raise awareness, show solidarity and inspire support for persecuted Christians. You are invited to a Mass & prayer service, on Saturday, September 14, at 12:05 PM, in the Emmanuel Chapel and pray for brothers and sisters of faith who are at risk around the world.
Catholic Daughters of Americas (CDA) #246, 105th Anniversary. Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, the CDA are united by their faith in Jesus Christ, in their devotion to the church and the Holy See. The CDA will celebrate their 105th Anniversary with a Mass on Sunday, August 25 @ 9:30 AM.
Prison Ministry: Kolbe Retreat. The 2019 Schedule of Kolbe Retreats in the Diocese of Corpus Christi: August 22 - 24 at Federal Correctional Institution (FCI), Three Rivers October 17 - 19 at McConnell Unit, Beeville November 14 - 16 at W6 Trustee Camp, Beeville Please consider helping us bring light into these places of darkness. May God bless everyone for your prayers and support in this ministry. If you are interested in assisting in one or several of these retreats, you may contact us 2 months prior to the date of the retreat for volunteer process and training. For more information visit diocesecc.org/prisonministry.
Sign up today for Encounter Texas, Vacation to the Fullest! This is a retreat for Adults but is also great for the entire family (childcare is available.) This retreat is an opportunity to dive back into your faith and your relationship with Jesus Christ. Come to have community, to have a vacation, come to encounter Jesus and enjoy some of the top musicians and speakers in the country. The retreat is hosted at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine TX (near Dallas/Ft. Worth) on August 16-18, 2019. Registration is now open at https://diocesecc.org/encounter/
Couples Shared Prayer Retreat, August 9 - 11. Ss. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church will be hosting a Married Couples Shared Prayer Retreat at the Pax Christi retreat center (4601 Calallen Drive). The weekend begins on Friday, August 9, with registration beginning at 5:00 at the Pax Christi Retreat Center. The purpose of the retreat is to strengthen your spiritual prayer life and increase intimacy with your spouse. The retreat will focus on having Christ at the center of your marriage. The retreat is open to couples married through the Catholic Church. For more information, please call Lee Trujillo at (361) 947-8502. To download the registration form, visit sscmc.org.
“Have you lost a spouse thru Death or Divorce? We know it is painful and lonely and we would like to help. Support sessions are held on Mondays beginning September 9 at St Patrick's Church Parish Hall. Please call John Moses at (361) 813-5825, or Charlene at (361) 887-7603.
RCIA classes are beginning for adults who would like to complete their Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. All others are welcome to come learn more about their faith. Classes begin on Monday, August 26 from 7PM - 8:30PM in the Old Choir Room. For more information and to register please contact Seminarian Charles Silvas at the Cathedral office at 883-4213.
Healing Mass and Prayer Service, Friday, August 9, 6:00 PM at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (1123 Main Dr). Call the parish office with questions (361) 241-2004.