Incarnate Word Associates Rummage Sale, June 28-June 29. The Venerable Jeanne Chezard de Matel, Founder of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, also had a dream for a male branch of the Order she founded. Four hundred years later, her dream is coming to fruition through the establishment of the Society of the Incarnate Word. Still in its infancy stage in Kenya, the Society is in need of both spiritual and financial assistance. And so the Corpus Christi branch of the Incarnate Word Associates are holding a rummage sale. It will be held at the Dougherty Center on the Incarnate Word Academy campus (450 Chamberlain St.) Doors will be open Friday, June 28 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM and Saturday, June 29 from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. For more information, call Debbie Tamez at 361-549-6726.
The Potluck Finger Food Farewell Party honoring Fr. Hanh in St. Joseph’s Hall is on Saturday, June 29, after the 5:30 PM Mass. For those who are bringing food and other items for Fr. Hanh’s farewell party, please drop them off at St. Joseph Hall on that day, anytime after 3:00 PM. Please feel free to call the parish office at (361) 883-4213 with questions. Thank you all for your generosity and cooperation.
The Parents as Teachers Program is in need of New Hard Cover Books for ages 0 – 5, English, Spanish or Bilingual. Throughout the year, these books are given to children enrolled in the program to help them develop a love of reading. For more information, please call (361) 884-0651 Ext. 252.
Parents as Teachers Program. The Parents as Teachers Program is in need of New Hard Cover Books for ages 0 – 5, English, Spanish or Bilingual. Throughout the year, these books are given to children enrolled in the program to help them develop a love of reading. For more information, please call (361) 884-0651 Ext. 252.
Catholic Adult Formation Course Through CDU. The Diocese of Corpus Christi is partnering with Catholic Distance University (CDU) to provide high-quality online non-credit courses and seminars for general adult formation in any number of topics of interest. Use our diocesan scholarship code: 16CORPUSCHRISTI to receive a discount on all CDU Independent Study Courses. To register and browse our catalog for CDU Independent Study Theology Courses at:
TICKETS are now ON SALE for the 30th Annual Celebration for Life Banquet. Mark your calendars for Thursday, August 29 to attend the banquet at Mansion Royal (8001 SPID). The honored guest speaker is former abortionist and pro-life activist, Dr. Anthony Levatino who recently played an abortion doctor in the film Unplanned, a movie that tells the real-life story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood Director. For information, please visit or call (361) 852-2273 or email at [email protected].
HEALING MASS & PRAYER SERVICE, Friday, June 14, 6:00 PM at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (1123 Main Drive) in Corpus Christi. Celebrated by Fr. Gabriel P Coelho, PhD. Please call Parish office with questions (361) 241-2004.
The Annual Father Walsh’s Summer Camp for adults with intellectual disabilities will be held on June 11 & 12 from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center (1200 Lantana St.). Our theme this year is– ROAR- Life is Wild – GOD IS GOOD! We plan to have 125 people attending and will be will be serving 3 meals each day. We are in need of paper goods - paper plates, cups, forks, spoons, napkins, as well as waters. If you can help, please call Celia Mendez at (361) 884-0651 Ext. 249.
Everyone is invited to the Eucharistic Procession of the Feast of Corpus Christi on Thursday, June 20. Arrival 6:00 pm, Liturgy of the Word 6:30 pm, Procession and Benediction to end at 8:30 pm, Food & Fellowship 8:30 – 9:30 pm. You are welcome to dress in traditional clothing to indicate your national or cultural identity and you are also welcome to bring your parish or group banner for our procession. Free food will be provided. To receive updates on this event, please text the word “CorpusChristi” to number “84576” on your cell phone. for more information, visit the Office of Multicultural Ministry at
50th Annual Schoenstatt Boys Walk, July 13 - July 14. The Schoenstatt Boys walk will begin on Saturday, July 13 at 5:00 AM at Wayside Shrine (2309 Marguerite) in Corpus Christi & ends Sunday, July 14 at 6:00 PM at Confidentia Shrine (134 Front St) in Rockport. For more information call Olivia Botello at (361) 992-9841 or email [email protected] or see flyer at