Attention graduates! Baccalaureate Mass – Sunday, May 26, 12:30 pm: All Corpus Christi Cathedral High School Graduates (May/June 2019) and College Graduates (December 2018, May 2019, or August 2019) are invited to attend the Mass. Please fill out the Baccalaureate form found at the entrances of the Cathedral and return it to the Parish Office by Wednesday, May 22, or email information to [email protected].
Women's English Cursillo, May 2 - May 5 at the Cursillo Center (1200 Lantana). Christ is Counting on you. Make a friend, Be a friend and bring your friend to Christ. For more information call Emma Botello, Pre-Cursillo Chairperson at (361) 853-2754 or any Cursillo leader for information or applications.
Women’s Spiritual Exercises Retreat, May 2 - May 5, begins Thursday at 5:30 PM and ends Sunday at 1:30 PM. During this retreat, you’ll be led deeper in our relationship with God through the power of prayer and quiet time with the Lord. Register at or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.
12:30 PM Mass, First Holy Communion and May Crowning of Our Lady. Candidates arrive by 11:45 AM at St. Joseph Hall to line up for procession into the church.
Saint Joseph the Worker Feast Day, Sunday, May 4, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM at St. Joseph (1400 Brookshire Drive, Kingsville, 78363) Come celebrate Saint Joseph’s Feast Day with a Holy Mass at 9:00 AM followed by family fun. The family event begins at 10:00 AM and includes music, games, moonwalks, Loteria, queen pageant, talent show, basket raffle, and family food booths showcasing favorite dishes. Free admission.
Marriage Retreat, May 31-June 2 begins Friday at 6 PM and ends Sunday at 11:30 AM at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center (1200 Lantana St). This retreat offers tools based on the Theology of the Body for discovering your spouse anew, time spent together in Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and even a romantic evening dinner and dancing. Register or call (361) 289-9095, ext 321.
Ultrasound Initiative. Please help the Knights of Columbus Assembly 1097 & Cathedral Council 11107 save lives by donating to the Ultrasound Initiative. We need your support to purchase a new ultrasound machine for the Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend. To donate, please contact Rudy Ortiz, Jr at [email protected] or (361) 549-9528. To learn more about this initiative, please visit
St. Joseph School 23rd Annual Carpenter's Ball, Friday, April 26, 6:30 PM - 12:00 AM at Hub City Event Center (Formerly K.C. Hall). This fundraiser begins with a sit-down dinner at 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. Music and dancing begins at 8:00 PM. Music by Gary Hobbs! Many great prizes will be raffled at intermission. For more information, contact Katie Barrera at [email protected].
Divine Mercy Retreat at OLCC, April 26-28 begins at 5:30 PM and ends Sunday, 1:30 PM at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center (1200 Lantana). Gain a deeper understanding of the mercy of God, learn to trust in Jesus and live our lives reflecting His Mercy to others. Register at or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.
4th Annual Dare to Own the Dream, Saturday, April 27 from 9:00 AM -1:00 PM at Catholic Charities (615 Oliver Ct.). Free homeownership and housing Fair presented by Catholic Charities HUD-approved Housing Counseling Department. Includes door prizes throughout the day. For more information contact Amanda Lazo at [email protected] or Yiyi Dean at [email protected] or call the office at (361) 884-0651.
Seder Meal. For Christian families remembering Christ’s Jewish Heritage, it is a tradition to celebrate a Seder Meal on Holy Thursday in memory of the Last Supper. Please join us in our parish celebration of the Seder Meal that will be held on Sunday, April 14 at 1:30 PM in St. Joseph Hall. Parishioners are asked to bring a side dish of vegetable, salad, or dessert. Please stop by the sign-up tables in the narthex to give a count of how many from your family will be attending. For more information, please call the parish office at 883-4213, ext. 202.
On April 5, the Most Rev. Wm. Michael Mulvey, Bishop of Corpus Christi, makes the following announcements: Very Rev. Hanh Van Pham, Rector of Corpus Christi Cathedral, is appointed as Vicar Forane (Dean) of the Corpus Christi Central Deanery, effective Feb. 21.