2019 Texas Catholic Advocacy Day is set for Tuesday, March 26. Join the Texas bishops and thousands of Catholics in a day at our State Capitol in Austin. Visit diocesecc.org/advocacyday for details.
Diocesan Vocation Awareness Retreat, March 29, 5:00 PM - March 31, 2:00 PM. Come and join other single men and women of faith, ages 18-35, who are searching and discerning God’s call in their lives at Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center (4601 Calallen Drive) in Corpus Christi. The Diocesan Vocation Awareness Retreat is a weekend of prayer, silent reflection, presentations, group discussion, and sharing one-on-one encounter and guidance from priests and religious sisters and brothers, as you learn more about priesthood and religious life. The retreat is designed to help young adults explore and learn more about the various vocations in the Church that God might be calling them to in a peaceful, no-pressure environment of prayer, reflection and communion. The retreat will be led by priests and religious sisters and brothers, who will also be available to accompany retreatants. Registration is now open online at ccpriest.org/register. There is a $25 cost for the weekend – Scholarships, if needed, are available upon request. Online registration will close Friday, March 22. For any questions, please call Bob Cummings in the Vocations Office at: (361) 693-6604.
A Women’s Conference, Mary: The Face of Woman. April 6. For all women and girls ages 16 and above, sponsored by CDA Court #2433, on Saturday, April 6th from 8:00 am-12:30 pm at St. Theresa Church and Parish hall located at 1302 Lantana Street, in Corpus Christi. Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 AM. Presenters are: Deacon Stephen Nolte (Mary: Woman as Image and Likeness of God), Fr. Frank Martinez, STL, (Mary: Seeing the Face of Jesus) and Sarah Morrison (Mary: Becoming the Face of Mary). Breakfast, beverages, and break food will be served. Donation of $10 is requested. To RSVP for seating or to request more information call or text Irma Rodriguez, Regent (361) 774-6660 or call Norma San Miguel, Chairperson for Conference (361) 960-2235.
Healing Mass & Prayer Service on Friday, March 8 at 6:00 PM at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (1123 Main Drive) in Corpus Christi. Please call their Parish office with questions at (361) 241-2004.
KOFC Family Rosary. The next Family Rosary will be held on Saturday, March 9, Emmanuel Chapel, immediately after the 12:05 PM Mass. All are invited to come and pray with the Cathedral Knights.
The Fullness of Truth 2019. Discover Your Roots: Early Church Wisdom for Modern Day Catholics, at the American Bank Center (1901 N Shoreline Blvd) on March 9-10, 2019. Speakers are Bishop Michael Mulvey, Mike Aquilina, Michael Barber, Dawn Eden Goldstein, and Jim Papandrea. For more information, visit fullnessoftruth.org/corpuschristifotconference2019.
On March 10th after all Masses, there will be sign-up sheets for the St. Joseph Table pot luck dinner in the narthex (front entrance) of the church. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 361-883-4213, ext. 202.
The Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion will take place on Sunday, March 10 at 3:00 PM in Corpus Christi Cathedral. A reception will follow in St. Joseph Hall. Elect and candidates will have an opportunity to take pictures with Bishop Mulvey.
Schedule for Retreats of Renewal & Reflection: Led by the Pax Christi Sisters the following retreats of renewal and reflection are for those who currently assist in the Liturgical life of the Church. Eucharistic Ministers: March 13, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm ; Hospitality Ministers: March 27, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm ; Lectors: April 10, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Retreat Cost: $10.00 per person. For registration and more information call (361) 241-5479.