The Catholic Daughters of America Court #246 is having a bake sale on Sunday, October 29th from 9AM-3PM in the Cathedral Courtyard. Delightfully delicious treats for sale!!!
Come join Bishop Mulvey as he leads the Diocese of Corpus Christi in prayerful conclusion of Respect Life month with an hour of Reflection, Rosary, Adoration & Benediction. This Vigil for Life will be held at 6:30pm at St. Patrick Church, 3350 S. Alameda St in Corpus Christi on Saturday, October 28th. Please spread the word about this wonderful opportunity to come together before Christ in prayer for the most vulnerable among us and for the strength to keep working to serve these most precious souls. For more information, please call the Office of Laity, Family and Life at (361) 882-6191. For promotional materials, email Beth Nguyen [email protected].
During this time of recovery from Hurricane Harvey those who are in need of services include, but are not limited to food, water, rental assistance, deposit assistance, utilities assistance, temporary housing/temporary hotel accommodations, transportation/gas cards, clothes, baby items, toiletries, cleaning supplies, relocation assistance, as well as, we are interviewing and assisting clients who are in need of building repair materials, are asked to call Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc., at (361) 884-0651 or visit us at 615 Oliver Court, Corpus Christi, TX 78408, or they are welcome to send an email at [email protected] with their need and contact information. One of our intake specialists to reach back out to them, as soon as possible.
Saturday, October 21, 2017 from 12:00 noon to 4:00pm at Fajitaville Grille. All Alumni, their family and teachers are invited. Please RSVP to Roy Stephens at (860) 394-9037 or RSVP on FaceBook on the Cathedral Cougar Allumni Page.
November 3-5, 2017: Come and join other single men and women of faith, ages 18-35, who are discerning God's call in their lives For more information call Edith Balderas at the Office of Vocations, (361) 882-6191 or at [email protected]. Cost is $25. Deadline to register is Oct. 25.
Tickets will be sold on October 7 & 8 and November 11 & 12 after all masses. Raffle held Wednesday, December 6th. Nine prizes ranging in value from $25 - $500. Tickets are $5 each or 6 tickets for $25. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact member, Natalea Rattee at (860) 372-1508. Monies raised help provide scholarships to a parish youth!
Incarnate Word Academy (IWA) & Corpus Christi College Academy (CCA) will have a joint reunion for the Classes 1962 – 1972 featuring the Class of 1967 – 50th reunion. Anyone attending during those years but did not graduate are also invited. Mark your calendar for October 27 & 28, 2017. Plan to sail in to Corpus Christi for an awesome weekend. For details, please visit, or contact Vicki (Habeeb) Mitchell at cell: (361) 877-1949, home: (361) 992-3227 or [email protected].
3-Day Mission Program begins Oct. 3-5 at 5:30, followed by Rosary Fest 2017 on Oct. 6 at 5 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (1123 Main Drive) in Corpus Christi 78409. Each night of the Mission program will begin with Rosary, Mass, followed by a talk with Father Pedro T. Elizardo, Jr. On Friday Oct. 6 there will be a rosary procession at 5 p.m., Mass with Father James Stembler, Vicar General, followed by refreshments. Please send in your petitions, prayer requests and donations. For more information please call the parish Office at (361) 241-2004.
Knights of Columbus 11107 are having their annual fundraising raffle and will be selling tickets on Sunday, September 24, 2017, before and after each mass at the Corpus Christi Cathedral. For more information, contact Rudy Ortiz, Jr at (361) 549-9528.