Now having entered the Easter Season, we enjoy the beauty of the Resurrection, but we are still confronted with this one question:
What do you believe about Jesus the Christ? The Gospel today shows us Thomas, who would not believe that Jesus rose from the dead and was now present in a new way in the midst of His followers. Jesus Himself has to appear to Thomas and make him put his hands on and into his wounds. Then Thomas finally believes.
We are invited to reflect today on our own belief.
Why do we believe? If we have doubts about our belief,
what will help us dispel those doubts? What can help us deepen our faith in Jesus as our Savior, as God, and as present with us now? Our tradition tells us that to understand and believe in Christ, we must read the Scriptures and meditate on them. We must also come to know other believers and trust in their experiences. Christianity is a religion that preaches that Jesus was crucified and that he rose, but always only in the context of the community of those who believe in Him.
Today let us ask Saint Thomas to intercede for us that we can believe more deeply in the great mystery of salvation. Let us be patient with our doubts and keep looking for the truth of Christ’s Presence. Most of all, let us rejoice in the Lord who loves us and invites us deeper into these mysteries.