Father’s Day is an important time to celebrate the role of fatherhood within the Christian family and the Knights of Columbus Council 11107 invites you to renew your wedding vows at the 5:30 PM Vigil Mass on Saturday, June 17, 2017 at the Corpus Christi Cathedral.
A cake reception will follow in St. Joseph's Hall.
Father’s Day is an important timeto celebrate and promote the role of fatherhood within the Christian family. Fathers, by their word and example, pass on the faith and reflect the image of God the Father within their homes. Christian marriages reflect the relationship between Christ and the Church and have the Holy Family as their primary model.
As devoted Catholics, members of the Knights of Columbus nourish, support and strengthen Catholic family life through parish-based programs and charitable works. Today, our parish’s Knights of Columbus council invites each couple present to affirm their wedding vows. We hope that by doing so you and yourspouse will again experience the grace received on your wedding day, when you gave witness to the union of Christ and the Church.
We pray that your marriage continues to be strengthened through the example of the Holy Family and the love that comes from Christ.