Registration for Annual Free Throw Contest and Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest: Registration on Sunday, October 20, 2019, from 9:20 AM to 12 Noon. Before and after Student Religious Education in St. Joseph Hall.
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EXALT Night of Worship, Thursday, October 17, 7:15 PM -9:15 PM at St. Pius X Youth Center (5620 Gollihar Rd, 78412). This will be a night of worship, time to adore God in the Eucharist, and an inspirational testimony to help us reconnect with Christ. High School teens, young adults and, families are welcome. Please contact Heath Garcia at (361) 882-6191 or hgarcia@diocesecc.org
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KofC 27th Annual Clergy and Religious Appreciation Banquet, Wednesday, October 16, 6:30 PM- 9:30 PM will be held at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds (1213 Terry Shamsie Blvd, Robstown, 78380). Keynote Speaker: Fr. Brice Higginbotham, Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. For ticket/table/sponsor purchase please email us at ccckc@corpuschristikofc.com or call (361) 537 - 7700.
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KOFC Family Rosary. The next Family Rosary will be held on Saturday, October 12, Emmanuel Chapel, immediately after the 12:05 PM Mass. Everyone is invited to come and pray with the Cathedral Knights.
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The Red Mass will be on Oct. 2 at 6 p.m. at Corpus Christi Cathedral (505 N. Upper Broadway). Bishop Michael Mulvey will preside and concelebrate the Mass with Priests of the Diocese of Corpus Christi. The keynote address will be given by Bishop Thomas Paprocki, bishop of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois. A catered reception will immediately follow in the Tower II Atrium. For more information call Sandra Castellanos at (361) 693-6683 or email scastellanos@diocesecc.org.
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The blood mobile will at Corpus Christi Cathedral on Lipan Street, from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM on Sunday, September 22. Save the date!
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The 20th Annual Ark Gala, Thursday, September 19, 6:30 PM at Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds (1213 Terry Shamsie Blvd.) in Robstown. Featured speakers will be Delma Trejo, Rene Esquivel and Sister Milagros Tormo, M.J.M.J. Attendees will be able to ask questions of the speakers. KIII TV-3 News Anchor Joe Gazin will be the master of ceremonies, which begins at 6:00 PM and includes a performance by Ballet Folklorico Viva Mexico, dinner, and silent and live auctions. Individual seats cost $60. For more information visit ark4kids.com or call (361) 241-6566 or dtrejo@ark4kids.com.
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St. Anne's Altar & Rosary Society Meeting, Wednesday, September 11, 6:00 - 8:30 PM in Room 2. All Cathedral Ladies are invited.
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Men's Night of Reflection, Friday, September 13, 6:00-10:00 PM, Diaconate Formation Center, Our Lady of Corpus Christi Campus (1200 Lantana St). All men are invited to attend a night of reflection that includes a presentation by our invited guest speaker, Douglas Bushman, who teaches at the Augustine Institute in Denver. Professor Bushman will be engaging the text Into the Breach, which is a pastoral letter written by Bishop Thomas Olmsted of the Diocese of Phoenix. Free registration includes a dinner, presentation, and opportunities for adoration and confession at diocesecc.org/mensnight.
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Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Mass & Prayer Service. The Marian image is brought on a pilgrimage through our diocese and the Cathedral Knights will host Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Icon for the week of September 9th to raise awareness, show solidarity and inspire support for persecuted Christians. You are invited to a Mass & prayer service, on Saturday, September 14, at 12:05 PM, in the Emmanuel Chapel and pray for brothers and sisters of faith who are at risk around the world.
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Catholic Daughters of Americas (CDA) #246, 105th Anniversary. Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, the CDA are united by their faith in Jesus Christ, in their devotion to the church and the Holy See. The CDA will celebrate their 105th Anniversary with a Mass on Sunday, August 25 @ 9:30 AM.
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Sign up today for Encounter Texas, Vacation to the Fullest! This is a retreat for Adults but is also great for the entire family (childcare is available.) This retreat is an opportunity to dive back into your faith and your relationship with Jesus Christ. Come to have community, to have a vacation, come to encounter Jesus and enjoy some of the top musicians and speakers in the country. The retreat is hosted at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine TX (near Dallas/Ft. Worth) on August 16-18, 2019. Registration is now open at https://diocesecc.org/encounter/
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Couples Shared Prayer Retreat, August 9 - 11. Ss. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church will be hosting a Married Couples Shared Prayer Retreat at the Pax Christi retreat center (4601 Calallen Drive). The weekend begins on Friday, August 9, with registration beginning at 5:00 at the Pax Christi Retreat Center. The purpose of the retreat is to strengthen your spiritual prayer life and increase intimacy with your spouse. The retreat will focus on having Christ at the center of your marriage. The retreat is open to couples married through the Catholic Church. For more information, please call Lee Trujillo at (361) 947-8502. To download the registration form, visit sscmc.org.
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“Have you lost a spouse thru Death or Divorce? We know it is painful and lonely and we would like to help. Support sessions are held on Mondays beginning September 9 at St Patrick's Church Parish Hall. Please call John Moses at (361) 813-5825, or Charlene at (361) 887-7603.
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RCIA classes are beginning for adults who would like to complete their Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. All others are welcome to come learn more about their faith. Classes begin on Monday, August 26 from 7PM - 8:30PM in the Old Choir Room. For more information and to register please contact Seminarian Charles Silvas at the Cathedral office at 883-4213.
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Healing Mass and Prayer Service, Friday, August 9, 6:00 PM at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (1123 Main Dr). Call the parish office with questions (361) 241-2004.
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Next blood drive is Sunday, July 28. Please save the date and save a life!
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Villa Maria Residence in san antonio for young women, students or workers (18-29 years old). Villa Maria Residence is a residence for girls by the Catholic Congregation of the Religious of Mary Immaculate. It is an affordable, Catholic housing for girls who may be going to college away from home, in San Antonio. The Congregation provide a safe and peaceful environment in while young women are far from their families. Based on the principles of the Congregation: protection and formation of young women. For more information, please visit villamariaresidence.org or email us at villamarmi@yahoo.com or call (210) 223-8163 or (210) 226-0025.
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Be cautious when receiving a solicitation via e-mail or text message. Cyber scammers are impersonating Priests, CFOs or anyone with authority asking for an URGENT request. Always look at the email domain address of the sender for legitimacy and also verify over the phone with that person that they are making a request. If the email looks too fishy or is out of the ordinary, do not reply.
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Our Lady of Corpus Christi is holding it's 3rd annual SOLT -led Family Conference beginning on Friday evening July 12th from 7:00-9:30pm and going through Saturday 10:00am-6:30pm. We are very excited to present a conference that will help us as Catholics to reconcile the beauty and JOY of our Catholic faith against the darkness that the world is trying to engulf us with. Bishop Chaput said it very well in his address to the seminarians this past March, naming his talk "Facing the Future with Joy and Hope" - this was perfect with our theme of "Rejoice" so we have adopted it. The conference will include excellent speakers from the SOLT community, Mass, confessions, and adoration with praise and worship. Fr. Samuel Medley is our keynote speaker on Friday and our speakers on Saturday will be Fr. Dan Estes, Fr. Beau Schweitzer, Sr. Mary Peter, and Deacon John Purk (2 talks in the morning and 2 talks in the afternoon). We will have 2 complete tracks on Saturday in English and Spanish. Also youth/children's programs, from 6 months to 12th grades, are available. We hope you will consider signing up for this conference as well as forwarding this email to your friends and your email list. Something special that will happen before the Conference talks on Saturday morning is the opportunity to witness at a special Mass the entrance of 2 of our aspirants to the religious life as they receive their religious habits for the first time. The Conference will end on Saturday evening with a Vigil Mass at 5:30pm. You can register online at our website: https://ourladyofcorpuschristi.org/ways-to-give/rejoice-conference-2019/ or pick up a hard copy in the bookstore.
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